Oh my! It has been 2 years since my last post on my blog. I REALLY need to do better and hope to this year. Things have been really busy with side projects, hustles and business. I will divulge more later. But first, I am going to talk about the mighty Canon F1 and the Canon FD 24/2.8 as a landscape kit. Note, I had a cheapo off brand zoom with me two, very compact 28-70 macro (vivitar?) that also came in handy for the walk out to my destination.
So I acquired the Canon F1 from a local auction maybe 4-5 years ago and save a roll or two, I haven’t shot it much. In fact, I have rarely picked up any Canon save my EOS 7ne (for film) or the 5dmkii for digital. For film, I seem to be picking up the many Nikons I have or one of my Leicas. Not to hate on the canons in stockpile and the lenses I have, they just haven’t been getting a workout for no reason than I have too many cameras and tend to grab the last camera I shot with. The other reason I chose the fd 24/2.8 as my lens of choice on this date was that I have owned it for more than a decade but used it once. The filter ring was dented and I use color filters generally when I shoot B&W. I bought one of those filter ring fix it tools off Amazon and low and behold, I was able to fix the filter ring! So off we were on a day that got a light snow. Film of choice was Ilford Delta 400. Why? It was what I had rolled off a 100′ bulk roll so here it was, ready to shoot. Where to? One of my favorite places for a late afternoon shoot with hopefully a bit of snow left. Stone Door at Savage Gulf State Park (formerly part of the South Cumberland State Park system). Note that this walk happened this winter sometime back in January of 2023.
The walks in the woods with a camera are always very therapeutic for me, especially shooting film. I can completely immerse myself into the setting as I get no feedback until weeks later when I develop and then scan. I am just one with the experience. Today, I was hopeful for some new or differing compositions as well as revisiting some older scenes to see how they have changed since last season. Do they? Certainly which makes it even more exciting. Two old trees are succumbing to nature and I was going to use them or what was left in two compositions. Anyways, I was very pleased with the days outing. Nothing was to extraordinary but nonetheless, I was pleased.
Now for some images!

And a few from the zoom lens on my walk out to the overlooks.

I hope you enjoy these and I hope that maybe some different content will follow soon.